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Applications, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Stack

In programming, many data types store data while writing programs. One such data type is known as Stack.

Stacks are widely used in programs due to their easy-to-use and understandable structure. Stack follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) functionality for the entry and exit of the elements stored in the Stack.

Let's take an example to understand the LIFO functionality in Stack. Let's say there is a Stack of numbers such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. In this Stack of numbers, '6' is the top element, which means it entered the Stack the last.

So, if you want to access the elements in this Stack, the first element you can access is '6'. Similarly, the next accessible element will be '5'.

Many operations can be done with the help of a Stack. However, the widely used operations of the Stack are pop(), push(), and top().

For example, the pop() operation helps to provide the pop function. It means the last element will pop up whenever a particular command to call the element in the Stack is executed.

Stack has a lot of applications and advantages in programming and helps to make programming. Moreover, there are some disadvantages of Stack too. So let's discuss the application of Stack and its advantages and disadvantages.

This blog will also delve into basic the understanding of DDL commands.

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