Dunzo is an Indian firm that distributes groceries, household items, fruits and vegetables, meat, pet supplies, cuisine, and pharmaceuticals to major cities.
Dunzo reported revenue from operations of $6.22 million (Rs 45.8 crore) in FY21, up 66.5 percent from $3.73 million (Rs 27.5 crore) in FY20. In FY19, the Bangalore-based delivery firm recorded total revenue of $483K (INR 3.5 crores).
In this article I will share my Dunzo interview experience.
Round 1 (DS/Algo):
The test consisted of three questions on the hacker rank platform under 100 miniuts.
Two of them were DS Algorithms, and one was to implement a function.
Q1. Matrix summation
class Solution: def findBeforematrix(self, afterMatrix): m = len(afterMatrix) n = len(afterMatrix[0]) for i in range(m-1, -1, -1): for j in range(n-1, -1, -1): if i-1 = 0 and j-1 = 0: afterMatrix[i][j] = afterMatrix[i][j] - afterMatrix[i-1][j] - afterMatrix[i][j-1] + afterMatrix[i-1][j-1] elif j-1 = 0 and i-1 0: afterMatrix[i][j] -= afterMatrix[i][j-1] elif i-1 = 0 and j-1 0: afterMatrix[i][j] -= afterMatrix[i-1][j] return afterMatrix s = Solution() afterMatrix = [[2,5], [7,17]] result = s.findBeforematrix(afterMatrix) print(result)
Q2. Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays
from itertools import accumulate
from functools import lru_cache
class Solution:
def maxSumOfThreeSubarrays(self, nums: List[int], k: int) - List[int]:
n = len(nums)
windows = list(accumulate(nums))
windows = [windows[i+k-1]-(windows[i-1] if i0 else 0) for i in range(len(windows)-k+1)]
def dfs(i, t):
if t == 0:
return 0, []
if i = len(windows):
return float('-inf'), []
cost1, sol1 = dfs(i+k, t-1)
cost2, sol2 = dfs(i+1, t)
if windows[i] + cost1 cost2:
return cost2, sol2
return windows[i] + cost1, [i]+sol1
return dfs(0, 3)[1]