One of the most effective ways of learning DBMS or preparing for DBMS interviews is through a database management course. Online courses for DBMS are becoming increasingly popular as they let you know DBMS at the convenience of your home, that too with a flexible schedule.
However, you must know what skills you will get in a DBMS course. It is essential as you should know if you are getting into the right course or not. So, here are the skills a DBMS course has or should have.
Let’s get started!
Five Skills You Learn in a DBMS Course
Data Modeling
The next skill you will learn in a DBMS course is data modelling. In Data modelling, you will learn how to create a structure of an efficient database. Data modelling is done while considering some crucial factors, such as easy data access and storing processes. Data modelling helps to enhance data integrity. It means the database follows business rules and constraints while maintaining the data.
Data modelling also helps to increase the performance and scalability of a database. Moreover, there are two main types of data modelling, namely conceptual data modelling and logical data modelling.
Entity Relationship Model
As you already learned, data modeling is in DBMS. So, to make you proficient at conceptual data modelling, a technique known as the ER model or Entity-Relationship Model is included in DBMS courses. It is an infamous technique that represents the data and its relationship in a DBMS in a visual format. It makes data modelling easier and more intuitive.
One of the essential parts of an ER model is the concept of cardinality. You may have learnt about cardinality in your mathematics syllabus. It plays an important role in an ER model as it helps in mapping data in formats like one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-one relationships.
Standard Query Language
Standard Query Language or SQL is a must-have skill to learn effective database management. Most candidates already know SQL, but it is still added to the curriculum of DBMS courses. The reason is to educate the learners about the DBMS-specific use of SQL. SQL in DBMS is used to manage and manipulate data. SQL offers a lot of operations to do on data saved in a database management system. Here are some operations that you can do with SQL.
Transaction is an essential concept of DBMS, which you learn in a DBMS course. It is a concept that is relational to SQL queries. In simple terms, a transaction is when one or more than one SQL query is executed while maintaining the ACID properties. The ACID properties of a transaction are also explained in a DBMS course.
ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability of a transaction. Here is what these terms mean with respect to a transaction.
It means that the transaction is an indivisible unit and can't be further divided into smaller subparts. So, Basically, a transaction is always a single unit.
Consistency is the property of a transaction that ensures that the transaction that has been done has followed the rules and constraints of the business.
Isolation deals with keeping one transaction isolated from the other until the execution is completed. It means two concurrent transactions can't interact during their intermediate stage.
Durability refers to the permanent registration of a transaction. Durability ensures that the successful transaction will not get lost even if the database crashes.
Apart from an SQL database, NoSQL databases also exist in DBMS. It is important to learn NoSQL to deal with such databases. That is why it is always introduced in any DBMS course. NoSQL stands for Not Only SQL or Non-SQL. It means manipulating data in such databases It doesn't require SQL queries. NoSQL is mainly used in tradi
tional relational databases.